[1] Speaker in "The Canadian Quantum Research Center Series RSVP", Helsinki University Cosmology Seminar, Online. Name of exposition: "Teleparallel Gravity: From Theory to Cosmology" (08/02/2023)

[2] Speaker in "The Canadian Quantum Research Center Series RSVP", Canadian Quantum Research Center, Online. Name of exposition: "Spontaneous Scalarization of Black Holes in Gauss-Bonnet Teleparallel Gravity" (13/02/2023)

[3] Organising commitee in "Geometric Foundations of Gravity 2023", University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia (Online this time) (19-22/06/2023)

[4] Speaker in "Dawn of field theoretic approach", Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Name of exposition: "Algebraic classification of the gravitational field in Weyl-Cartan space-times" (20/07/2023)

[5] Speaker in "Institute for Basic Science - Cosmology, Gravity and Astroparticle Physics Group - seminar", IBS, Dajeon, South Korea. Name of exposition: "New types of hairy Black Holes sourced by Torsion" (01/08/2023)

[6] Speaker in "CAS-JSPS-IBS CTPU-CGA 2023 Summer Workshop in Cosmology, Gravity and Particle Physics", Hokkaido, Japan. Name of exposition: "Distinctive Features of Hairy Black Holes in Teleparallel gravity (29/08/2023) - Invited Speaker

[7] Speaker in "Third Workshop on Current Challenges in Cosmology", Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia. Name of exposition: "Metric-Affine Gravity: from theory to applications in black holes and cosmology (26/10/2023) - Keynote Invited Speaker


[1] Speaker in "Yukawa International Seminar 2022a Gravity", Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Name of exposition: "Black holes solutions in metric-affine gravity with dynamical torsion and nonmetricity" (15/02/2022)

[2] Speaker in "Osaka City University seminar", Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan. Name of exposition: "Black holes solutions in metric-affine gravity with dynamical torsion and nonmetricity" (21/02/2022)

[3] Speaker in "Winter Korea-Japan NRF-JSPS workshop", South Korea (online). Name of exposition:"Black hole solutions in Teleparallel gravity" (22/02/2022)

[4] Speaker in "Holography and its applications", Iran (online). Name of exposition:"Scalarized Black Holes in Teleparallel Gravity" (10/03/2022)

[5] Speaker in "Waseda University seminar", Waseda University, Japan (online). Name of exposition:"Black holes solutions in metric-affine gravity with dynamical torsion and nonmetricity" (22/03/2022)

[6] Speaker in "Nagoya University seminar", Nagoya University, Japan. Name of exposition:"Black holes solutions in metric-affine gravity with dynamical torsion and nonmetricity" (06/06/2022)

[7] Speaker in "Gravity Current challenges in black hole physics and cosmology", Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Name of exposition:"Black holes in Teleparallel gravity" (20/06/2022)

[8] Speaker and organising commitee in "Metric-Affine Frameworks for Gravity 2022", University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. Name of exposition:"Spherical symmetry and black holes in teleparallel gravity" (27-06 to 01-07/2022)

[9] Speaker in "2022 Summer CAS-JSPS Workshop in Cosmology, Gravitation, and Particle Physics", Oshima, Japan. Name of exposition:"Black hole Scalar Hairs in Teleparallel gravity" (30/08/2022)

[10] Speaker in "Proca Seminars", Romania (online). Name of exposition:"Black holes solutions in metric-affine gravity with dynamical torsion and nonmetricity" (08/09/2022)

[11] Speaker in "The 31th Workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation in Japan", University of Tokyo, Japan. Name of exposition:"New black hole solutions with a dynamical traceless nonmetricity tensor in Metric-Affine Gravity" (27/10/2022)

[12] Speaker in "Recent Research in Gravity", Zhejiang Normal University, Online. Name of exposition:"Metric-affine gravity and Black holes" (29/11/2022)

[13] Speaker in "2022 Winter CAS-JSPS Workshop in Cosmology, Gravitation and Particle Physics", Prague University and Castle Třešť, Czech Republic. Name of exposition:"Metric-affine gravity and Black holes" (13/12/2022)


[1] Speaker in "Tokyo Institute of Technology Cosmology Seminar", Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan (online). Name of exposition:"Teleparallel theories of gravity and applications to cosmology" (19/01/2021)

[2] Speaker in "14th International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology", The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan (online). Name of exposition:"Teleparallel theories of gravity and applications to cosmology" (08/04/2021) - Invited Speaker

[3] Speaker and organising commitee in "GeomGrav 2021", University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. Name of exposition:"Observational constraints in metric-affine gravity" (28-06 to 02-07/2021)

[4] Speaker in "The 30th Workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation in Japan", Online. Name of exposition:"Black holes solutions in metric-affine gravity with dynamical torsion and nonmetricity" (09/12/2021)

[5] Speaker in "Tokyo Institute of Technology Cosmology Seminar", Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. Name of exposition:"Black holes solutions in metric-affine gravity with dynamical torsion and nonmetricity" (15/12/2021)

[6] Speaker in "Recent Advances in Theoretical Cosmology and Astrophysics", Online. Name of exposition:"Black holes solutions in metric-affine gravity with dynamical torsion and nonmetricity" (18/12/2021)


[1] Speaker and organising commitee in "Teleparallel Gravity Workshop 2020", University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. Name of exposition:"Solar System Tests in Modified Teleparallel Gravity" (15-19/06/2020)

[2] Speaker in "14th International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology", National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan (online). Name of exposition:"Solar System Tests in Modified Teleparallel Gravity" (19/08/2020)

[3] Speaker in "The Fourth Zeldovich virtual meeting", Online. Name of exposition:"Solar System Tests in Modified Teleparallel Gravity" (19/08/2020)

[4] Speaker in "CoCo Cosmology 2020", Online. Name of exposition:"The Teleparallel version of Horndeski gravity" (23/09/2020)

[5] Speaker in "Virtual Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity 2020", Online. Name of exposition:"The Teleparallel version of Horndeski gravity" (26/09/2020)


[1] Speaker in "1st PUICGC", University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Name of exposition:"New Exact Black holes solutions in f(R,φ,X) gravity by Noether's symmetry approach"" (30/01/2019)

[2] Speaker in "2019 YITP Asian-Pacific Winter School and Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology", Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Name of exposition:"New Exact Black holes solutions in f(R,φ,X) gravity by Noether's symmetry approach"" (13/02/2019)

[3] Speaker and organising commitee in "Geometric Foundations of Gravity 2019", University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. Name of exposition:"Can Horndeski gravity be recast in the Teleparallel framework?" (17/06/2019)

[4] Poster presentation in "Beyond General Relativity, Beyond cosmological standard model", University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. Name of exposition:"Reviving Horndeski gravity using Teleparallel gravity" (1-5/07/2019)

[5] Poster presentation in "Quantum and Gravity in Okinawa 2019", Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University, Okinawa, Japan. Two posters. Name of exposition: 1) "Reviving Horndeski gravity using Teleparallel gravity"; 2) "Is really General Relativity the correct starting point for quantum gravity?" (23-27/07/2019)


[1] Speaker in "Gravity and Cosmology 2018", Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Name of exposition:"Nonlocal Teleparallel Gravity" (01/03/2018)

[2] Speaker in "International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Gravitational Wave Astronomy", Hannover, Germany. Name of exposition:"Teleparallel Gravity and its modifications" (01/03/2018)

[3] Speaker in "BritGrav 2018", University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK. Name of exposition: Name of exposition: "Generalised teleparallel quintom dark energy non-minimally coupled with the scalar torsion and a boundary term" (18/04/2018)

[4] Speaker in "ComplexiLate 2018", London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, London, UK. Name of exposition: Name of exposition:"Teleparallel Gravity and its modifications" (30/05/2018).

[5] Speaker in "Teleparallel Gravity Workshop", University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. Name of exposition: "Generalised teleparallel quintom dark energy non-minimally coupled with the scalar torsion and a boundary term" (27/06/2018).

[6] Speaker in "Marcel Grossman conference (MG15)", AT1 parallel session, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy. Name of exposition: "Generalised Nonminimally Gravity-matter Coupled Theory" (02/07/2018).

[7] Speaker in "Third CANTATA meeting", University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Name of exposition: "Nonlocal Teleparallel Gravity" (01/10/2018).


[1] Speaker in the "Theoretical Physics seminar", University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. Name of the exposition: "Different cosmological behaviours for different frames of F(R) gravity", (28/02/2017).

[2] Speaker in the "Theoretical Physics seminar", "Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II", Naples, Italy. Name of the exposition: "Different cosmological behaviours for different frames of F(R) gravity", (23/03/2017).

[3] Speaker in "UKCosmo meeting", University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK. Name of the exposition: "Different cosmological behaviours for different frames of F(R) gravity" , (05/04/2017)

[4] Speaker in "Geometric Foundations of Gravity", University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. Name of exposition:"New classes of modified teleparallel gravity models", (31/08/2017).

[5] Speaker in the "Particle and Fields seminar", Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. Name of exposition: "Teleparallel gravity and its modifications", (04/12/2017).

[6] Speaker in "Revising Foundations of Physics workshop", University College London, London, UK. Name of exposition:"Teleparallel gravity and its modifications", (14/12/2017).


[1] Speaker in "21st International Summer School on Global Analysis and Applications", Institute of Stefan Nahalka, Catholic University, Poprad, Slovakia. Name of exposition:"Modified teleparallel theories of gravity", (15/08/2016).

[2] Speaker in "Quantum Structure of Spacetime and Gravity 2016", University of Belgrade, Serbia. Name of exposition:"Modified teleparallel theories of gravity", (26/08/2016).


[1] Speaker in "Postgraduate Seminars Mathematics UCL", University College London, UK. Name of exposition:"Teleparallel quintessence with a nonminimal coupling to a boundary term", (05/11/2015).


[1] Speaker in "Cosmoconce 2013", Universidad del Bío Bío, Concepción, Chile. Name of the exposition: "Dynamic wormholes supported by polytropic phantom matter", (15/03/2013).


[1] Poster presentation in Milky way workshop, Universidad Andrés Bello, Viña del Mar, Chile. Name of the poster: "Super-massive Blackhole in the center of the Milky Way" (in Spanish), (2010).